Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Chapter One: Secrets

this is just the beginning of chapter one:

Will awoke shivering uncontrollably. He’d had this dream many times before but he did not know who Erador or the man at the door were, and then there was the shadow he couldn’t see that grabbed at him. But there was time to worry about that later and now it was time to get up. Wardmaster Ruben had strict rules about when to get up. Will made his bed and started to wake the others but they sleepily refused to until the wardmaster came. Then every single one of them was unceremoniously thrown out of their sleeping quarters and made to pull their beds apart and remake them, while being forced to listen to a lecture on laziness and their duties for the day.
Will sighed. Today was a new day, and at least he wasn’t on kitchen duty.

1 comment:

Summer Sailor said...

Hey Charlie This is really keeping us in suspense. Check out my new blog @ www.swallowsailor.blogspot.com

love Summer Sailor